Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sorry, but

I am borderline and upset and sad and angry and sad again. Here goes some more msuic, blog therapy. I"ve been blog surfing and saw this on "Clinically Clueless" and this song really speaks to me at the moment.

1 comment:

  1. I was listening to this song just yesterday! It rocks.
    I was diagnosed with Bipolar II a couple of days so I'm curious to see how people are living with various mental illnesses. I haven't gone public (it's too soon and I want get settled first) but I do intend to in the future. Most people describe me as the most cheerful person they know so I'd like to raise awareness. Anyway, if you come over to my blog, please don't mention it because some peers read it.

    I just wanted to say hi and it's great to see someone address stuff and speak about it so honestly. I wish you all the best with getting your baby!



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